Physical Review Letters 93 (2004) 143901
Generalized Sagnac Effect
RuyongWang, Yi Zheng, and Aiping Yao
St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301, USA
(Received 18 March 2004; published 27 September 2004)
摘要:Experiments were conducted to study light propagation in a light waveguide loop consisting of
linearly and circularly moving segments.We found that any segment of the loop contributes to the total phase difference between two counterpropagating light beams in the loop. The contribution is
proportional to a product of the moving velocity v and the projection of the segment length _l on
the moving direction, Δφ=4πvΔl/(cλ). It is independent of the type of motion and the refractive
index of waveguides. The finding includes the Sagnac effect of rotation as a special case and suggests a new fiber optic sensor for measuring linear motion with nanoscale sensitivity.
该文最后一页:王汝勇先生用了两行数学公式(包含四步推导)证明他的相位φ=4π∫vΔl/(cλ)可以化为传统的Sagnac相位公式:8πωA/( cλ)。A为环路所围面积。
(2)王汝勇先生的实验及其论文中的说明都在证明直线型环路也满足传统的Sagnac相位公式:8πωA/( cλ),即与面积和角速度成正比。但黄德民先生却说是王的实验否定了这个结果。
SHEN JIAN QI 2010-9-26