今晚十点过才回家,明天还要正常上班,回贴勿忙,不一定准确,望大家谅解! 详解并重构相对性原理 |
今晚十点过才回家,明天还要正常上班,回贴勿忙,不一定准确,望大家谅解! 详解并重构相对性原理 |
这似乎是我该问您的吧!是因为您才把空间区别为“平直”和“弯曲”状态! 详解并重构相对性原理 |
不错,物理学是门实验学科,但也是先建立概念然后才去实验。没有概念盲目实验不叫实验,更不是证明!证明什么? 详解并重构相对性原理 |
“相对性原理从来就没有说过不能测得相对速度!!!”? “相对性原理从来就没有说过不能测得相对速度!!!” 相对性原理认为: 如果封闭系统中的观测者可以测得他相对系统外任意点的相对速度, |
在空气中的物理规律当然是要研究的,比如空气动力学、大气折射等等。 空气肯定占有空间的。 |
不知你基于什么样的实践?是老师说的还是?你的实践总离不开光线及刚体这些定义。 ※※※※※※ 有所突破——《隐参量在物理学中的作用和地位》,诚请指点。http://wang.sellcn.com/com/wyg/ns_detail.php?id=28976&nowmenuid=83686&cpath=&catid=0 |
绝对静止空间是不存在的,你无法抗拒的 只是我们现在的测量精度还达不到或测量方法不对![[[迈克耳逊试验和特鲁顿试验的精度已经足够高了。]]]如果你有精度足够高的仪器,那就请测一测来自四面八方的遥远星光相对地球的速度吧[[[[只要它射到地球上,它的速度值就会受到地球运动状态的影响。]]],它们一定是不对称的[[[它们一定是对称的,虽然地球的速度并不是零;包括向四面八方加速运动汽车,它们的加速度都是对称的,虽然地球自身的加速度并不是零]]]]。我坚信:总有一天我们会测出地球的绝对运动速度。[[[地球的加速度可以测量吗?加速度都测量不出来,速度更是无法测量出来。]]] 因为宇宙空间处处充满了基态场,它是形成电磁场的基础。光的速度是由空间场的力学性质决定的,所以它的大小是一定的。基态场你用任何方法都无法屏蔽掉,任何“封闭参照系”都象一张漏水的网,[[[[是的,地球的重力场可以漏网而过,但绝对空间是不存在的]]]]]它一定会影响里边鱼的运动。所以相对性原理的成立只能是在绝对低速情况下,仅限于实粒子系统而已!这个道理难道还不好理解么? 因为你在地球上就以为一切现象都是相对地球的,[[[对]]如果你在x球上呢?莫非一切现象就成了都是相对x球的?[[[难道不是吗?你把汽车开到X星球上,然后用公式a=F/m计算一下汽车的加速度值,该数值的的确确就是相对X星球的啊!]]]]总的分个青红皂白吧? ※※※※※※ 当用加速度计测量地球加速度的实验出现零结果后,无人惊呼:难道地球的加速度是零?!难道地球是宇宙中心?!当mkex-ml实验测量地球速度是实验出现零结果后,人们又何必惊呼:难道地球静止在绝对空间里?难道地球是宇宙中心? |
1、推论一、绝对运动速度不可探测:无论进行什么样的观察或实验,都不可能发现物体相对于绝对空间的绝对运动速度,绝对参考系不存在;但可以发现物体(假设该物体在地球上)相对地球的速度。 ※※※※※※ 当用加速度计测量地球加速度的实验出现零结果后,无人惊呼:难道地球的加速度是零?!难道地球是宇宙中心?!当mkex-ml实验测量地球速度是实验出现零结果后,人们又何必惊呼:难道地球静止在绝对空间里?难道地球是宇宙中心? |
我的x星球直径只有1米,你只能把玩具汽车开上去!那么来自四面八方的光速还一样不? 详解并重构相对性原理 |
这不仅仅是我的观点,也是经典物理的观点。我没必要为经典理论抹金,也没必要将所有观点揽入自己怀中! 这是你的观点,但不是经典物理的观点,经典物理的观点肯定错了,但你的观点只说了一半,应改为:
黄德民 |
请问这种研究是把空气当作“物质”来研究的还是当作您所说的“空间”来研究的???? 空气肯定占有空间的。(((不错!这一点谁也没有反对。但是否如您所说要把空气归入到空间概念,将其当作“现实的空间”加以研究呢?))) 黄德民 |
是基于整个人类的实践活动!这些定义和概念并不是某一个人所特有的。 您在此贴总算承认了“实践总离不开光线及刚体这些定义”,请问这些定义是怎么来的?是实践总结来的,是逻辑思考来的! |
相对性原理认为: 如果封闭系统中的观测者可以测得他相对系统外任意点的相对速度, |
你的推论一,绝对不是相对论以前经典物理的观点.否则物理学家就不会设计出迈克耳逊试验和特鲁顿试验了。 ※※※※※※ 当用加速度计测量地球加速度的实验出现零结果后,无人惊呼:难道地球的加速度是零?!难道地球是宇宙中心?!当mkex-ml实验测量地球速度是实验出现零结果后,人们又何必惊呼:难道地球静止在绝对空间里?难道地球是宇宙中心? |
中年人59果真厉害 ※※※※※※ 当用加速度计测量地球加速度的实验出现零结果后,无人惊呼:难道地球的加速度是零?!难道地球是宇宙中心?!当mkex-ml实验测量地球速度是实验出现零结果后,人们又何必惊呼:难道地球静止在绝对空间里?难道地球是宇宙中心? |
The space-time theory of the Relativity--- The fallacy from the experiment perjuries
§1 The examination and verification principle of “Space-time twisting” experiment of the Relativity. 1. A serious mistake on the principle of space-time experiment of the Relativity. According to the Theory of Relativity, the light propagates in the vacuum linearly, and the gravitation of matter acts on the space-time and makes it twisted, in turn, the twisting of the space-time causes the light to be bend. However, the experiment use the same bundle of light that were ‘twisted correspondingly with the space-time’ as the benchmark. This is the basic error of the experiment principle. Scientists who supported the Relativity declared that the space-time twisting had been proved accurately by the experiments that found the light twisting on the surface of the sun coincided exactly with the theoretical data of Relativity. In order to describe my opinion exactly and concretely, I once put forward a simulation experiment to prove that the statement above is a definite mistake on experiment principles. Get a blank sheet of paper or a flat piece of thin rubber, and set one point as an "observation station "; Mark some points of “stars” according to star chart as remote galaxies, and mark the "pulsar". Connect the observation station and the pulsar with a line. If there is a prism on the line between the observe eyepiece and the "pulsar", the light would be bent. We must adjust the position and angle of the eyepiece to get the light pass through the prism and enter the eyepiece to find this pulsar. This is the condition in which the space-time system physical interaction causes the light deviated, and also are the testing methods what we speak. When we get the thin flat rubber twisted by forces, we would find that the line between the eyepiece and " pulsar " is twisted accordingly. But we do not need to adjust the positions and angles of the straight eyepiece. The light originating from the pulsar still could enters the eyepiece accurately. This is just because the space-time twisted in concert with the light as a whole. Conclusion: What the experiment can observed was the twisting caused by the factors in the same space-time context. There is fundamental principle mistake to prove the distortion of space-time by matter gravitation using the observation of the light twisting over the surface of the sun. 2. . The refract of light over the sun surface caused by surface gaseous state material of the sun has been neglected. I hope sincerely to get the answer of following question from serious physics scholar : The academia has already made the discussion or the conclusion (not at all as far as I know), that it’s reasonable to eliminate the refraction caused by the surface atmosphere of the sun (include ion). We need document, calculate, quote data, calculation principle, result, etc. relevantly. We all know in the morning, the sky is bright before the sun rises. This light distortion is so enormous that is far beyond second-counting. Although because the material density on the sun surface is quite different from the atmosphere of the earth, the distortion of the light on the sun surface is much smaller than the one on the earth, we cannot simply neglect it. This kind of idea is subjective and not serious. What we need is theoretical analysis and experiment examination. As we know, the materials on the sun surface have the enormous average kinetic energy and under the extremely high temperature, these are the factors that increase the refraction rate. So it is reasonable to propose: " Theory of Relativity space-time experiment is suspected of piecing together the data ". We notice, the modern experiments revised the deviation of the light that caused by the corona, but they do not determine the experiment under the context of the whole atmosphere of the sun. Some relevant experiments (such as sun covers the experiment of the radio source (high frequency)) find that the distortion precision that observed vary with the different light frequencies. This simply the physical characteristics of solar atmosphere deflection and chromatic dispersion. And it further proves the importance of analyzing the solar atmosphere deflection. The qualitative experiment result is at the same level as the Theory of Relativity within certain radius under lower frequency. But as the radius and the frequency increases, the refraction effect rapidly reduces。 The experimental result directly produces the conclusion as below: with lower frequency and within certain radius, the experiment result is at same level as the Theory of Relativity effect… This fully proves that "the deflection is correlated with the frequency closely"; Proved the solar atmosphere has the deflection basic reason, And it also revealed that the scholars of the Theory of Relativity put pieces of the empirical datum together. This is the absurd behavior. C. The solar gravitational pull action to the moving mass of light quantum also are supposed to be the important attribute which the proof must consider. In fact, Einstein discussed in his initial papers that the deflection is halfly caused by the sun's Newton gravitational field effects; and halfly caused by the spatial geometry deformation. In all the space-time theoretical calculations of the Relativity completely neglect this important factor ( the deflection is halfly caused by the sun's Newton gravitational field), and they declared that the Theory of Relativity’s space-time idea has verified precisely. 3. : negative deviation The experiment of negative deviation shows that sun's rotation influences significantly to the light that propagates through the surface atmosphere of the sun; It shows that the deviation phenomena of the light through the surface of the sun is produces by some usual physical factors. So-called "the precise confirmation" is only the good expectation of "some scholars” who hope that the space-time theory of Relativity to be true. We can’t believe that the so called great achievement – Relativity, was proved by the forged experimental evidence. But it is definitely true. §2.The Fizeau (Armand Fizeau) experiment is a definite contra-evidence to the Theory of Relativity In the theoretical calculation of this experiment to verify the theory of relativity,they used still water instead of flowing water,so they ignored the eddy in the flowing water and the difference of speed from central and wall-side of the tube and many other factors to influence refractive indexes. And they asserted that the Theory of Relativity was precisely with this experiment.. Actually, it is one of the confirmed contra-evidence of the Theory of Relativity. As with the experiment mentioned above,the surprising "great achievements" was born one by one. To this experimental physics question. We think, the precision of experiment involved is a percentage value of the velocity of flow. But use of the refraction rate in the still water instead of of the one in the flowing water produces the smaller ratio, but it involves the change of the value of velocity of light in different states and it could influence the precision of experiment and could not be neglected. We must simulate the corresponding swirl produces in quiet water pipe (Certainly we should test velocity of flow and the intensity of swirl), Measure the refraction rate of the water staying no flowing but in the whirlpool, substitute the so- called accurate calculating type of entering Theory of Relativity with this. We also must consider that the difference of speeds from in center and closing the face of tube at the same time. Provide accurate value of the experiment, fight for the inaccurate ones. §3.Review the principle of the Relativity’s experiment: Mercury orbit processional motion of radius vector First, let’s discuss inertia system K and K' in the “lorentz transformation”. In the K, the origin of K’ moves from x1 to x2, takes time of t, if I say, the observed values in K is not x1,x2, t, but the Lorentz-transformed x1’, x2’and t’, everyone should say that “You do not understand the Theory of Relativity”. In the inertia system K, let’s imagine a ball is rotating around the origin O with equally angular speed of w, If I say that the angular speed is not w but the w’ that transformed by “lorentz transformation”, everyone should say: You do not understand the Theory of Relativity. The astronomer observed that Mercury orbit processional motion of radius vector is 43” every 100 years, it matches with the Theory of Relativity calculation precisely. I say I’m not wrong. The astronomer should move the instrument on Mercury and aim the sun, and then if they could derive the conclusion above, they could say there is a precise matching. The experiment above has made the same mistake in the verification principle, it treated the space-time of moving system as that of the static system. Similarly, using the principle of equivalence to draw out the general theory of relativity also follows the same track. §4.The data putting together in the latest Doppler Effect Experiment of Relativity theory There are some experiments related to special relativity: The atom experiment examining; the Inspection to the fine structure of hydrogen atomic (Stem from the pure Theory of Relativity quantum mechanics effect); superfine structure (stem from the quantum field-effect considering the relativity); the testing to the anomalous magnetic moment of electron (assert that match until the 11th digits after the decimal point) and the latest Doppler Effect Experiment of Relativity theory (declare that the precision is up to 8 effective figures) and so on. The latest Doppler Effect Experiment of Relativity theory was made in 1994 by R. Grieser,etc. The experiment principle is similar to Ives-Stillwell test; the speed of the particle is 0.064c. The frequency of laser resonance vibration that the experiment examined is 512 667 592.4 (3.1) MHz. The frequency of resonance vibration according to the Theory of Relativity prophecy is 512 667 588.3(0.8) MHz. The frequency of resonance vibration according to the classical theory is 514 776 111.3(0.8) MHz. (See the attachment in experiment principle.) The crucial problem of this experiment and the ones that made people feel regretful are that the speed of Li ion was accelerated to high speed status of 0.064C, but the related verification calculation used the value of energy level and distribution that obtained prior to the acceleration. As we know, the system energy (include the inner energy and the kinetic energy) of Li ion should increase by a wide margin when accelerated up to high speed of 0.064C and the deference energy of system determines deference distribution of energy level. We agree that when the energy of system changes not so much, the energy level distribution can treated with system "translation" approximately. Unfortunately, the experiment used the value of energy frequency distribution that before the system was accelerated up to high speed, and they used this calculation to declare that the precision is up to 8 effective digits…… The quantum mechanics system is not a rigidity framework, and the lithium ion is the system with much protons. Protons and electrons in the same system are under the different motion state, when the system is accelerated by a wide margin interaction of the strong electric field, while the kinetic energy increases; the internal energy of the system increases too. On the other hand, the mass of the proton and the electron is not at the same quantity grade, so system energy and interval energy will change when total energy state changes with a large margin. Attachment Hereby I introduce the principle of this experiment briefly. The transmission system used with this experiment is the lithium ion moving at high-speed. The experiment has used three energy levels of the lithium ion. There is no harm in being called level 1(In fact it is the superfine level of J=1, F=3/2 under the 2^3S energy level), level 2(2^3S,J=1, F=5/2), and level 3(2^3P, J=2, F=5/2). Level 1 is the lowest level among the all of three, level 3 is the highest one, and level 2 is a little higher than level 1. Its picture of energy level looks like the Greek alphabet lambda, so I called it lambda system. Let’s consider the static situation first. Generally, the lithium ion exists on level 1 mainly. When we impact the lithium ion with a bunch of laser, when the frequency of the laser is just equal to the difference between level 3 and level 1, the lithium ion will be activated to jump to the level 3. But level 3 is volatile, lithium ion will jump back to level 1 or to level 2 again. As such, the result of impacting is that the number of the lithium ion under energy level 2 increase significantly. If the lithium ion is impacted by another bunch of laser again at this moment, and the frequency of this bunch of laser is adjustable. When the frequency of the laser transfers to the difference of energy 3 and energy 2, the laser will be absorbed greatly, and the fluorescence emerges. The frequencies of the two spectrum lines involved have been determined accurately. Set them as f1(1->3) and f2(3->2). Now let’s consider the situation below. There is a bunch of lithium ions with high-speed. The speed of the ion varies, it have certain distribution, (certainly being distributed is not very widely). Transmit laser behind the ion with frequency higher than the difference of level 3 and level 1 slightly. Because of the Doppler Effect, the frequency of laser that the lithium ion receives will be reduced a bit, how much it is reduced depends on the speed of the ion. Only the lithium ions with specific speed can receive the frequency of laser that corresponding to the difference of level 3 and level 1 exactly, so that only this part of lithium ions would be activated and jumped into the level 2. Penetrate the adjustable laser from the front of this bunch of lithium ion now. Also because of the Doppler Effect, the laser frequency that the lithium ion receives will be a little bit higher. Because only the lithium ions at that speed that chosen by the first bunch of laser can gether in level 2 largely,only when the second bunch of laser’s frequency changed by the Doppler Effect under that speed to the difference of level 3 and level 2, the laser would be absorbed largely. The frequency of second bunch of laser is the so-called resonance frequency. Through intensity of fluorescence sent by the measuring system,we can determine whether the second laser resonance with the system. The frequency of the first bunch of laser is fa, the frequency of the second bunch of laser is fb, the chosen speed of the lithium ion is v. According to the principle above, The relations between four pieces of frequency meet with the following mathematical relations: f1 = fa * f(v) f2 = fb * g(v) Two functions of f(v) and g(v) are that Doppler formulae of backside direction and opposite direction separately. Different theories derive different function forms. As to Special Relativity f1 = fa * k * (1 - v/c) f2 = fb * k * (1 + v/c) Do multiplying, we get: f1 * f2 = fa * fb (1) So the resonance laser frequency of the special relativity prophecy should be fb = f1 * f2 / fa As to classical theory f1 = fa * (1 - v/c) f2 = fb * (1 + v/c) Do multiplying, we get: f1 * f2 = fa * fb * (1 - vv/cc) (2) So the resonance laser frequency of the classical theory prophecy should be fb = f1 * f2 / fa / (1 - vv/cc) The purpose of the experiment is to examine whether the resonance frequency that derived from the Theory of Relativity is match with the measured value. The result of experiment was given yesterday and we make some supplemented a little more here. The frequency of the first bunch of laser is fa = 582 490 603.370(0.130) MHz The frequency of the second bunch of laser is fb = 512 667 592.4(3.1) MHz The frequency of two lines is respectively under the static reference system: [This was measured independently by an experiment scientist of another group,published in Physical Review A 49, 20 (1994) finally。The two values below were found by me from this document. I have not found the data which Grieser used,So the value of Theory of Relativity prophesy with below this group of data will be slightly different with what provided yesterday, but the tolerance is within the range of error.] f1 = 546 474 963.42 (0.4) MHz f2 = 546 455 145.74 (0.4) MHz |
黄德民对相对性的思考已经很深入 毫无疑问,物理学研究、且只研究物质相互作用。时间、空间只是描述物质相互作用的一种数学模型,或者说是描述物质相互作用的数学自由度。从这个意义、也只能从这个意义上说,不存在什么绝对时空以及相对于绝对时空的运动,一切运动都是相互作用的物质系统的一种测量特征。因此在伽利略的大船中测出相对于船外物质的运动不违反相对性原理。相对性原理就是物质作用原理,只要我们认定观测必须涉及物质相互作用,性对性原理就不可推翻。 例如,我们真看到遥远的星星了吗?“遥远的星星”只是我们的思维对我们这里局部地发生的物质相互作用的数学建模。不同的几何学假设,不同的宇宙学模型,对遥远星星的解释是大不相同的。进化中,我们的大脑已经通过将视觉与其它感觉相互映证建立了准欧氏的空间视觉模型,对同样的视张角,产生了越远距离越大的模型解释。但是,在大爆炸宇宙模型中,非常远的星星其实存在于非常早期的较小宇宙中,因此对于视张角相同的两对星星,非常远的一对反而比较近的一对距离更近一些。 时空测量本身就是一些物质相互作用,产生的结果被理解为时空,并衍生出速度、加速度等概念。物理理论就是在不同测量结果中建立数学联系。狭义相对论中时空参数基于简单性假设,与时空测量结果有直接对应性,广义相对论中这种直接的对应性根本不存在。对于广义相对论,时空其实是更加随意的数学自由度参数,比如为了描述一个质点的引力场,可以建立不同的坐标系并得到形式不同的度规,但基于物质作用的客观性,这种随意性中必然存在内在的一致性——那就是,如果一个坐标变换能将一种坐标系变换成另一种坐标系,那度规也能在数学确定的相应变换下恰好变换成另一个——即所谓协变。习惯上把度规解释为时空结构,结果将引力理解成了时空属性。但完全可以将度规解释为对物质相互作用的描述,在这种描述中预言了给定程序的时空测量操作(一套物质作用过程)的结果。 实际上,广义相对论本就是描述四种基本作用力之一的引力理论。它的基础并没有狭义相对论那么牢固,因为等效原理是一条涉及物质性质的断言,要靠实验验证,但目前为此的实验都在误差限内证实了它。而狭义相对论,实际上是第一个将时空还原为测量操作的理论,从而将先验的独立于物质相互作用的时空排除在物理学之外。严格说来,狭义相对论不是一种具体的物质理论,而是关于基本物理概念的操作性定义理论,其它物理理论在此定义基础上进一步构建。狭义相对论的物理基础是回路光速不变这一测量事实,以及单程速度逻辑上不可测从而可人为规定。狭义相对论作了最简单最符合直观的测量规定和单程光速规定,任何其它规定在理论的解释力上都是等价的,但要复杂得多。 |
感谢正和先生的详细分析和评述,我们有较大共识,但也有明显分歧! 感谢正和先生详细阐述了看法!我非常同意你的这一说法:“习惯上把度规解释为时空结构,结果将引力理解成了时空属性。但完全可以将度规解释为对物质相互作用的描述。” 本人对相对论的看法是,是一门错误但却有实用价值的理论!我一直认为相对论是一套数学模型理论,他只是借用了经典理论或者说日常生活中的所说的时间、空间这些名词概念,但实际上已改变其本质含义,演化为一种数学上的变量。但带来的结果却是恶劣的,使许多人不认真追求物理现象背后的物质作用本质,却拼命去寻找各种参考系变换公式,企图用变换公式来一劳永逸地解决物理学问题,这样实质上是走入了歧途。 我的书中开门见出地说过:“物理学=哲学+数学+实验”。因此哲学思考对物理研究来说非常重要。“物理学要发展,首先要靠哲学思考来启发思维,打开思路,并为其把握方向”。我认为对相对性原理的哲学认识,关乎反相维相的根本,更关乎物理学的发展方向。
黄德民 |
回复:测速离不开作用,当速度大于光速,相对性原理该怎样重建 详解并重构相对性原理 |
原来你也同样在彻底否定相对论的“相对性原理”?我当然也同样坚持物质作用论的观点! 既然“相对性原理的核心思想是时空不参与对物质的作用”,那么相对论的物质状态决定时空结构还能保证不破坏你的相对性原理?一个参考系与另一个参考系之间的时空结构都不一样,对同一物理事件所定义的标准都各行其道,还能保证它们的物理规律具有相同数学表达形式? 爱因斯坦花了上十年工夫在牛顿引力微分方程的基础上,引入一个所谓“度规”的概念让行星运行一周小于360度,回过头来再说其到达360度时发生了“轨道动进”你说广义相对论不荒唐?至于它那“变换不变性”更是一种骗人的数学魔术道具你也能当真?随便安个什么名字在牛顿方程的dφ² 项加一个(1 - 2MG/rc²)系数不就什么都ok?我不知道全世界那么多绝顶聪明的人物为什么都心甘情愿被这种魔术如此愚弄? “物质作用论”决并不能拒绝先进的探测手段所发现的不同参考系物理规律差异来强加给人们对相对性原理认同,空间本来就是绝对的,它的广延性决不会因为任何物质的存在形式而改变,“大爆炸”和“宇宙膨胀”更是西方学者愚昧无知的表现,你竟然也否定“绝对空间”的存在? 所谓“绝对运动速度”,应该是指由整个可探知的与不可探知的宇宙物质分布条件决定的背景条件下物质运动状况,如果离开不同层次的物质空间分布背景,那就连“运动”二字也不要提了,还来谈什么“速度”?其实物质的惯性本身就是一种绝对运动表现,只要它不受力的作用(含内力)就将永远保持这种运动状态,最近我发现连光波也能始终保持它在被发射时的惯性状态而传递,更何况普通物质的运动怎么不是绝对运动呢? 从小的方面来说,物质的运动速度是相对于某一物体的位点而言的,但是从大的方面来说这一位点同样在运动,而且这“运动的运动”还是在运动,它们都是迭加在更大的运动之上,只不过是在通常的物理规律研究过程中根本就无需去考虑那更基础的背景运动状态,难道仅因为这种“不考虑”你就根本不承认它的存在? 我前段已经有四个月没有认真考虑物理问题了,今天来认真拜读你的这篇文章,谁知与我的观点竟然是水火不入?还好,一个共同的出发点就是认同“时空不对物理现象产生作用,物质作用决定物理规律”。在这里虽然我的语言用词针锋相对甚至是尖锐刻溥,但我相信并不影响我们作为最好的好友关系。 直言了 ※※※※※※ 相对论一派胡言 物理界混淆是非 时空物绝对独立 “倒相者”返璞归真 |
彻底否定“相对性原理”又一例﹕让爱因斯坦速度合成公式给他自己掌嘴! 从火车上经一种折射率为n的透明媒质(在火车上静止)发出一束光线,到地面也进入同样折射率n的透明媒质传递(设火车以速度v离开,光束到地面水道仍在火车运动直线方向上)。 按照相对论,光束无论在火车还是地面传递,各自的观测者都认为在自己的参考系内的速度都是 c/n ﹔应用爱因斯坦的速度合成公式,它们在对方参考系中的传递速度则都是 (c/n - v)/(1-v/nc)。 现在的问题是﹕当火车以速度c/n运动时,是否意味着这束光线永远无法传入地面?例如n=10000000,火车速度 v = 30 m/s时光线就无法传出,现在这透明媒质只有30m长,用火车上的时间记录它仅需一秒钟通过,这一秒钟用地面时间记录岂不成了无限长(时间停止)? 这样,唯一的合理解释是﹕爱因斯坦的速度合成公式错了,或者是他的相对性原理错了,二者必居其一?其实严格地说来,这二者都错了! 在这里,相对性原理根本就是大错特错,速度合成公式可略作修改﹕地面观测者认为,光在火车上的传递速度是 c/n - v(1-1/nn) (菲涅尔公式),火车观测者测得的是 c/n + v/nn (我将在我的论文中用全新的观点严格证明)﹔当这光束传入地面透明媒质中时,地面观测者测得的速度是 c/n (忽略色散项),火车观测者则认为它的速度变成了c/n - v !如此出现了四个不同的速度值,难道还能有“相对性原理”的立足之地? ※※※※※※ 相对论一派胡言 物理界混淆是非 时空物绝对独立 “倒相者”返璞归真 |
回复:换汤不换药,与相对论错误没有什么差异 黄先生没有从根本上认识到相对论错误的根源,还游离在数学模型上面(虽然没有一个数学方程),基本上是错误的内容。 ※※※※※※ 欢迎光临丁一宁网站 http://www.dyntm.com |
一边上网,一边赚钱,代理网站,尽在中创互联:http://966.cctve.cn |
回复:宇宙是相对静止的还是运动的如果是运动的那又是什磨力使那运动着呢 详解并重构相对性原理 |
回复:没有明确时空坐标的任何理论都是瞎扯! 21世纪物理学最基本标准。 ※※※※※※ 世界科学院,中国民间申诺课题研究小组,欢迎各界朋友: http://kxlxg.bbs.xilu.com/ |
回复:21在虚拟和模糊时空讨论物理学问题一律无效: 必须建立物理学真实时空讨论物理学问题才有效! ※※※※※※ 世界科学院,中国民间申诺课题研究小组,欢迎各界朋友: http://kxlxg.bbs.xilu.com/ |