对【120楼】说: 单就这句话应该按你的意思翻译,而我是根据全文的上下衔接而翻译的,因为在文章的稍后评述会使你大为肝火﹕Nevertheless, it remains a seminal tenet of anti-relativityism (for lack of a better term) that the trivial Sagnac effect somehow "disproves relativity". Those who espouse this view sometimes claim that the expressions "c+v" and "c-v" appearing in the derivation of the phase shift are prima facie proof that the speed of light is not c with respect to some inertial coordinate system.When it is pointed out that those quantities do not refer to the speed of light, but rather to the sum and difference of the speed of light and the speed of some other object, both with respect to a single inertial coordinate system, which can be as great as 2c according to special relativity, the anti-relativityists are undaunted, and merely proceed to construct progressively more convoluted and specious "objections".....。
你说“网上有篇相关的论文居然要60元”?也许我这人太自以为是了,我手里的这篇文章在我这三年了才来注意细续,一直只凭直觉认为它是错误的,这60元的论文一定同样会错误百出,对爱因斯坦那原文我们不还是发现它那么多原则性错误?因为相对论本身就是在错误的前提下堆积起来的。 ※※※※※※ 相对论一派胡言 物理界混淆是非 时空物绝对独立 “倒相者”返璞归真 |