如果对我56楼说我谢谢你,因为你提供了具体观测的数据.如果对我58楼来说是不是要与我赌的意思?如果要赌,你提供的数据缺项.没有缩小周期半径与速度变化的数据. |
如果对我56楼说我谢谢你,因为你提供了具体观测的数据.如果对我58楼来说是不是要与我赌的意思?如果要赌,你提供的数据缺项.没有缩小周期半径与速度变化的数据. |
火卫1每百年下降1.8米,约5000万年撞向火星或化为一个圆环. And Phobos is doomed: because its orbit is below synchronous altitude tidal forces are lowering its orbit (current rate: about 1.8 meters per century). In about 50 million years it will either crash onto the surface of Mars or (more likely) break up into a ring. (This is the opposite effect to that operating to raise the orbit of the Moon.) • Phobos has an 7-hour39m orbit and crosses the sky 2 - 3 times per day Tidal effect is slowing Phobos; may crash into Mars in 100 million years Like our moon, Deimos has an 30hour18m orbit is slowly moving away. Moons have a low density (2 g/cm3), suggesting light elements or volatiles such as water. the rotation period of Mars=24.2 hr Mars is known to have two small inner satellites, Phobos and Deimos (Hall 1878). The origins of these satellites are still a mystery. Their orbits are not like the irregular satellites of the giant planets since they are close to Mars and have nearly zero eccentricity and inclination. Mars’ satellites, from a dynamical perspective, appear to have originated not far from their current positions since it is hard to produce orbits like those of the known Martian satellites by capture. On the other hand, the physical properties of Phobos and Deimos resemble those of C-type asteroids of which most are found in the outer main belt, not near Mars. Based on their physical characteristics they may be captured asteroids. In addition, the current orbit of Phobos is short-lived and the satellite will collide with the planet on a timescale ∼ 10^ 8yr (see Burns (1992) and references therein). |
参考: 陈寿元:信息物理P42 |
56楼快于木星的也得是陨石体,不可能是有着同一进化历史而完成的星球体.我所说的自然状态下形成的规律你应理解,我们发射人造卫星,和外星体爆炸飞来一块石头,这属于在自然状态进化中或进化完成后而发生的某一事件.发射的卫星与飞来的石头没有什么区别.判断自然状态形成的卫星,首先要判断它是否是星球体,星体在完成星球体的过程中,自身相对空间的动量消失,它唯一的动量是被空间的运动所运动.陨石体不同也许存在相对空间的动量也许不存在,快于星体自转周期的卫星,既被空间运动的同时它也在做着相对空间的运动.这样的卫星不可能是有着自身进化历史的星球体. |
这个李子丰又说胡话,空间理论必须要涉及天文,如广义相对论与天文建立了联系,如果仅仅建立个哲学空间去反对与实际相联系的相对论,是不解决问题的.这个会议的任何决议是没有物理意义的.只有哲学意义. |