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[楼主]  [31楼]  作者:阿新—  发表时间: 2007/09/12 00:26 

[楼主]  [32楼]  作者:阿新—  发表时间: 2007/09/12 00:33 

 [33楼]  作者:刘岳泉  发表时间: 2007/09/12 00:58 


相对论一派胡言 物理界混淆是非 时空物绝对独立 “倒相者”返璞归真
 [34楼]  作者:刘岳泉  发表时间: 2007/09/12 01:10 


相对论一派胡言 物理界混淆是非 时空物绝对独立 “倒相者”返璞归真
[楼主]  [35楼]  作者:阿新—  发表时间: 2007/09/12 01:51 

 [36楼]  作者:刘岳泉  发表时间: 2007/09/12 02:00 


相对论一派胡言 物理界混淆是非 时空物绝对独立 “倒相者”返璞归真
 [37楼]  作者:刘岳泉  发表时间: 2007/09/12 02:07 

“请记住,频率就是每秒震动次数。”作者:柳岸花铭 发表时间: 2007/09/11 22:45 点击:1次

相对论一派胡言 物理界混淆是非 时空物绝对独立 “倒相者”返璞归真
[楼主]  [38楼]  作者:阿新—  发表时间: 2007/09/12 02:08 

. Does the GPS confirm the clock rate changes predicted by GR and SR? 来源:http://metaresearch.org/cosmology/gps-relativity.asp

牋牋牋牋牋?The highest precision GPS receiver data is collected continuously in two frequencies at 1.5-second intervals from all GPS satellites at five Air Force monitor stations distributed around the Earth. An in-depth discussion of the data and its analysis is beyond the scope of this paper. [1] This data shows that the on-board atomic clock rates do indeed agree with ground clock rates to the predicted extent, which varies slightly from nominal because the orbit actually achieved is not always precisely as planned. The accuracy of this comparison is limited mainly because atomic clocks change frequencies by small, semi-random amounts (of order 1 ns/day) at unpredictable times for reasons that are not fully understood. As a consequence, the long-term accuracy of these clocks is poorer than their short-term accuracy.

Therefore, we can assert with confidence that the predictions of relativity are confirmed to high accuracy over time periods of many days. In ground solutions with the data, new corrections for epoch offset and rate for each clock are determined anew typically once each day. These corrections differ by a few ns and a few ns/day, respectively, from similar corrections for other days in the same week. At much later times, unpredictable errors in the clocks build up with time squared, so comparisons with predictions become increasingly uncertain unless these empirical corrections are used. But within each day, the clock corrections remain stable to within about 1 ns in epoch and 1 ns/day in rate.

The initial clock rate errors just after launch would give the best indication of the absolute accuracy of the predictions of relativity because they would be least affected by accumulated random errors in clock rates over time. Unfortunately, these have not yet been studied. But if the errors were significantly greater than the rate variance among the 24 GPS satellites, which is less than 200 ns/day under normal circumstances, it would have been noticed even without a study. So we can state that the clock rate effect predicted by GR is confirmed to within no worse than ?/span>200 / 45,900 or about 0.7%,This is a very conservative estimate. In an actual study, most of that maximum 200 ns/day variance would almost certainly be accounted for by differences between planned and achieved orbits, and the predictions of relativity would be confirmed with much better precision. Is the speed of light constant? 牋牋牋牋牋?Other studies using GPS data have placed far more stringent limits than we will here. But our goal here is not to set the most stringent limit on possible variations in the speed of light, but rather to determine what the maximum possible variation might be that can remain consistent with the data. The GPS operates by sending atomic clock signals from orbital altitudes to the ground. This takes a mere 0.08 seconds from our human perspective, but a very long (although equivalent) 80,000,000 ns from the perspective of an atomic clock. Because of this precision, the system has shown that the speed of radio signals (identical to the "speed of light") is the same from all satellites to all ground stations at all times of day and in all directions to within ?/span>12 meters per second (m/s). The same numerical value for the speed of light works equally well at any season of the year.
 [39楼]  作者:刘岳泉  发表时间: 2007/09/12 02:14 


相对论一派胡言 物理界混淆是非 时空物绝对独立 “倒相者”返璞归真
 [40楼]  作者:刘岳泉  发表时间: 2007/09/12 02:18 


相对论一派胡言 物理界混淆是非 时空物绝对独立 “倒相者”返璞归真
[楼主]  [41楼]  作者:阿新—  发表时间: 2007/09/12 02:23 

 [42楼]  作者:刘岳泉  发表时间: 2007/09/12 02:33 


相对论一派胡言 物理界混淆是非 时空物绝对独立 “倒相者”返璞归真


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