The "修改" has no connection with "场". For a free particle, or in a wall, the B-S condition still exis
[[[[in "严格说是修改场允许粒子运动在其中的可能的轨道", the phrase "修改场允许" is not correct. The "修改" has no connection with "场". For a free particle, or in a wall, the B-S condition still exists. So, the "修改" has no connection with "场". ]]]]]
[[[[普郎克, 爱因斯坦did not proposed 轨道量子化条件. 轨道量子化条件has no connection with their theories.
In addition, "场的轨道量子化条件" is wrong. The correct phrase is "particle 轨道量子化条件 in a field". But if the field is absent, "particle 轨道量子化条件" is still holds. ]]]]
[[[[[Yes. 对电子最早进行量子化的是玻尔. But, "对电子量子化"and ""提出物质波动性" is not the same thing. For example, Einstein propose the concept of photon. Here photon is a particle, not a wave. That is, to propose the concept of photon means the quantization of the light. )]]]]]]] |