张操老师说"可是挑战相对论的任务很艰难,我不期望能在我的有生之年看到胜利。"这是因为你没有看见胜利的暑光,才有些悲观。我是1935年的,可能大你几岁,但我不悲观.PK霍金,你是主帅,我只能摇旗呐喊助阵:霍金是靠广义相对论起家的,现在广义相对论引力理论快要垮台了,因为先锋10号引力异常超出了爱因斯坦的预期,先锋11号引力异常也证明了爱因斯坦的引力理论是错的。 "这两个飞行器的轨道都偏离了爱因斯坦当初的预言。两个先驱者号好像被引力之外的某种外力朝着太阳方向牵拉着似的。30年过去了,对这一现象的解释依然付之阙如。每年,先驱者号都要比爱因斯坦的预期轨道落后5000公里。到目前为止,人们已发表了几百份关于先驱者号的这种异常现象的科学论文,其中大多数都试图在现今引力理论体系之外寻找答案。 安德森博士本人则指出:先驱者号及弹射驱动两种异常现象的几个特征说明了两者可能存在一个共同原因"。 这是以上所引用的资料中说的,下面还有美国物理学会和美国航天航空局的科学家们说他们运用了广义相对论,但是解决不了问题,下面是"引力异常"一文: ANOMALOUS GRAVITATIONAL FORCE (重力异常) A discussion of this phenomenon appears in the 4 October 1999 issue of Newsweek magazine (See also the December 1998 issue of Scientific American.) The mystery of the tiny acceleration towards the sun in the motion of the Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11 and Ulysses spacecraft remains unexplained as of 2006. A team of planetary scientists and physicists led by John Anderson (Pioneer 10 Principal Investigator for Celestial Mechanics) has identified a tiny unexplained acceleration towards the sun in the motion of the Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, and Ulysses spacecraft. The anomalous acceleration - about 10 billion times smaller than the acceleration we feel from Earth's gravitational pull - was identified after detailed analyses of radio data from the spacecraft. A variety of possible causes were considered including: perturbations from the gravitational attraction of planets and smaller bodies in the solar system; radiation pressure, the tiny transfer of momentum when photons impact the spacecraft; general relativity; interactions between the solar wind and the spacecraft; possible corruption to the radio Doppler data; wobbles and other changes in Earth's rotation; outgassing or thermal radiation from the spacecraft; and the possible influence of non-ordinary or dark matter. After exhausting the list of explanations deemed most plausible, the researchers examined possible modification to the force of gravity as explained by Newton's law with the sun being the dominant gravitational force. "Clearly, more analysis, observation, and theoretical work are called for," the researchers concluded. The scientists expect the explanation when found will involve conventional physics. An article in http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/mystery_monday_041018.html discusses the current thinking on the acceleration anomaly. 既然广义相对论引力理论不能解决问题,它就应该引咎辞官,霍金就没后台了。广义相对论引力理论为什么不辞官呢? 因为新官未到,只好暂时由它代管引力问题.新引力理论是怎样的呢? 它可称为非对称引力理论,1996年我用非对称引力设想预报了海尔-波普彗星的轨道变化,而现代理论认为轨道应该是不能变化的,轨道能量是守恒的。后来美国天文学家的观测结果证实了海尔-波普彗星的轨道是在变化,轨道能量有涨有落,不是守恒的。天文学家习惯于用"周期"来表示轨道能量,由椭圆轨道的一段弧就可算出椭圆的长半轴a , 由a又可计算出它的"周期"来。它就是天体运行时的轨道能量。美国天文学家的观测发现海尔-波普彗星的周期T在变化:开始时T约=3000年,随后T=4200年,后来T=2380年,这是1997年5~6月份的事.按现行理论T就不会再变动,按刘启新理论T还要不断地变小。2006年1月日本天文爱好者在澳大利亚拍摄到该彗星的身影;经初步计算,海尔-波普彗星于公历4200年(中国天文馆提供)再回归。而上一次回归近日点是1997年,4200-1997=2203年,这与2380-2203=177年,表明它的周期又缩短了177年。轨道能量的如此变化让科学家们目瞪口呆,而这正是刘启新预报的情况。下面是江苏省天文学会开出的证明:
中国科学家对这些引力异常现象不相信,而美国科学家正在寻求解决方案,只要张操老师帮我检查英文译稿,转送美国,广义相对论必垮,霍金必垮。 张操老师可能因为写的书销路不好而烦恼,爱因斯坦一生有十三句名言,其中第十二句是说他的书销路不好: Isn't it strange that I who have written only unpopular books should be such a popular fellow? |