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Space know
[楼主] 作者:混天下第一  发表时间:2012/08/08 23:19


Space know    

Key word;Space, still, sports, the frame of reference, the points on the spaceThe author;WuXingGuang

An object at rest, existing space objects;The motion, the object exists in space.Thus the existence of object space and know the static or sports busineWe can through the static or body in motion description space.

We know1)Static department and movement in the departmentMeters andMeters of space is the same.2)Static department and sports departmentMeters andMeters of space is different.said isa,a,Still is M long long or object in sports department M, a meter space intervals as is long.bb,with space describe relativity principle is sports department and is still have the same 'space to each phase gay', in the still is in Metres per second movement of the objectSeconds after for the space Rice, in sports is in Metres per second movement of the object Seconds after for the space M,Meters and M the same.2). The movement is said in the system of sports11Rice, in the still is not appeared11M.How do we explain the nature?

Different when the description of the space frame of reference is different, so we are how to describe the space?Space is space by the points on the composition, relative to the time of the moment.In reference to the department, we are through to the points on the space to describe the space.For example from the frame of reference;Meters far place, that is the point in space;Meters far place, also is the points on the space.,The points on the space between is the size of the space, (in sports is still is in or)Meters far place andMeters far away place is the interval M.This description and the frame of reference is not moving or static.

Static objects stay in space is the point (not to point movement).Sports must go through space that is in the space differences.

Only an object (shape ignored), we can't describe space more points, only two or more than two of objects, to determine the space two or more than two different points, to show the different space, can show the interval of the space.

When two objects (static),To show the two objects seen space intervals;。A static, a movement, stationary objects to watch sports objects through space different points, moving objects see static object, the static objects in motion, through the space of different points.Both the description of the space between interval.(for exampleAB=BAAB=BA).Both describe one space (or in view of the different space said description).To objects in motion for the frame of reference, in the still seems a bit from the space of is to another point, after the interval space per second for spatial point describe space.

Absolute rest is absolute stay in space on the point to be not moved.Absolute rest is absolute space representative of the dot, and movement of the object look absolutely still, absolutely still is the movement, so say absolute stillness is of no significance.

The two have relative movement of objects, physical an object in what state (including absolute rest),In another object appeared to be movement, both the space between the interval is mutual.As the movement of each other.(or said of the space of each other)

,Through the description above we know of the space and static description of movement space is described the same space, but the point of view of the description is different, both through a certain relationship can be interchanged.(This belongs to2)Said in Meters andMeters) of different


For different description of the space (different frame of reference), can't change the size of the space.So in the still is M long objects in motion is still M long, occupy or one meter of space.Static movement of objects relative to pass through Meters of space, and in sports is sports Meters of space is the same.

Space is at a point on the composition by space, we use space point describe space.How to describe the space?We by the frame of reference to say the space on the point, orThe frame of reference for the space of the position.Due to the state of the movement that the frame of reference is different, and cause damage to the description of the space of different.

The frame of reference is equal (relativity principle), in any frame of reference for the space of the designated describe space, the size of the space is the same, namely in the movement of the frame of reference is relative to the sport M space and in the still is relative to the frame of reference movement Meters of space is the same.

The frame of reference movement of the different condition, which leads to the description of the space of different, and the differences can switch.Sport is to describe space, in the still seems to movement is in of the space as a zero after per second to calculate.This relationship with speed is classic speed laws of synthesis.(Here is the same time different frame of reference, see Speed and degrees speed connections of time and space>)

Static department after zero space per second said the points on the space, the sports department through space per second for(Meters seconds to say the space of the points, it is in the movement to speed(The object of the exercise is still seems per second (after meters of spaceSaid is one of the situation)。.Use speed is classic speed synthesis said.

Different frame of reference to the object space position description is equivalent of, is all objects in space location description, no matter from which a reference or Angle are described.Not we say normally only relative significance, but they all have the absolute meaning.Space is unified, different just from various angles the description of the space.

Space is not as a move.



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