[单曲欣赏] 莎拉.布莱曼的Winter in July 选自<<月光女神>>
[楼主] 作者:野火。
发表时间:2007/05/03 17:23 点击:748次
[Winter in July ]
中 文 名:莎拉-布莱曼 英 文 名:Sarah Brightman 生 日:1960年8月14日 出 生 地:英国伦敦 家庭成员:六个孩子中长女 莎拉-布莱曼重要纪事: 三岁始学跳舞,曾就读Elmhurst芭蕾学校及伦敦艺术教育学院。十三岁便在伦敦的皮卡迪利(Picadilly)剧院,参加了戏剧"Iand Albert"......
专辑简介:专辑中有改编自Beethoven(贝多芬)的"迷失的孩子",有70年代红极一时的二重唱"史卡保罗市集",有西班牙西班牙最受欢迎的合唱团Meoano1988年的畅销金曲"Hijo De La Luna(月亮之子)",有全球网友推荐的最具"神秘色彩"的单曲GLOOMY SUNDAY(忧郁的星期天),让人惊诧高音演绎的忧伤同样婉约和美丽,有被称为古典摇滚第一经典的THE WHITE SHADE OF PALE(灰色的剪影),最后一首是《月亮河》,那熟悉的旋律,让人沉醉在逝去的年代。或许世纪之交是宜于怀旧的,在莎拉.布莱曼歌声的引领下,听者与歌者跨越时空的阻隔,相约在音乐的国度。 跨界美声天后莎拉布莱曼的《月光女神》在美国地区发行首周以五十万张立即挂牌金唱片,并让莎拉首度进入Billboard流行专辑榜Top 20,同时三度荣登古典跨界榜冠军,全球战绩亮丽。 推荐理由:涤荡心灵的天籁之声!!! 歌声与音乐横跨流行、古典两界的莎拉布莱曼是身心疲惫的都市人在这个节日期间所不应错过的,因为她有如天籁一般的歌声绝对可以涤荡我们疲惫的心灵。而在世面上已经引进的数张莎拉布莱曼的专辑中,我最后决定推荐的是《月光女神》,或许是因为这张专辑中收录有我钟爱的《Scarborough Fair》。而且,我们也很难一次听到这样的几首与月亮有关的歌曲,而且每首都极为动听。
Winter In July
Look around wounder why We can live a life that's never satisfied Lonely hearts troubled minds Loking for a way that we can never find Many roads are ahead of us With choices to be made But life's just one of the games we play There is no special way Make the best of what's given you Everything will come in time Why deny yourself Don't just let life pas you by Like winter in July
Future dreams can never last When you find yourself still living in the past Keep moving on to higher ground Looking for the way you thought could not be found We may not know the reason why We're born into this world Where a man only lives to die His story left untold Make the best of what's given you Everything will come in time Why deny yourself Don't just let life pass you by Like winter in July
And we may not know the reason why We're born into this world Where a man only live to die And his story left untold So make the best of what's given you Everything will come in time Why deny yourself Don't just let life pass you by Like winter in July
野火.采集编辑 |